MCA (Multitrepannic Collagen Actuation) Inkless Rejuvenation is a new and amazing medical procedure that has been proven to deliver incredible results. It has been taking the USA & Australia by storm and has been changing clients lives across the globe. It has finally come to the UK and we are really pleased to be one of the first studios in the UK to offer this treatment. This procedure is classed as a Medical Tattoo. It is minimally invasive and requires little to no down time depending on the size of the treated area.
MCA Inkless Rejuvenation is essentially just like a tattoo, however instead of ink, we use a special blend of clear ingredients targeted at repairing the skin. We use tattoo machines and needles to work delicatley along the stretchmark or scar. We use very fine needles that allow us to only work on the damaged skin and not the healthy skin that surrounds it. We work at a specific depth, according to the severity of your stretchmarks, causing controlled injury into the Epidermis (top layer of skin). During this process, we implant powerful meso serums full of peptides, collagen and vitimans directly into the damaged skin.
When our skin is injured and has open wounds, it encourages extra collagen, elsatin and mellanin to rebuild. This mixture of your bodys natural ingredients with our serums, creates a powerful blend that will encourage your body to heal exactly how we would like. Smoother, firmer, and re-pigmented - looking much like it did previous to scarring or stretching.
Every single one of us heals differently and it is impossible to ascertain how your healing journey will go. The aim of the treatment is to smooth out the texture of the scar or stretchmark, and stimulate enough melanin to come to the surface. This will result in the white of the scar or stretchmark returning to its previous skin colour. The treatment relies upon your bodys natural response and ability to produce elastin, melanin and collagen. Some clients have found they have achieved their desired result after 1 treatment. However, It is normal to expect to undergo approx 3-8 sessions to achieve your desired result. Treatments will require a 60 - 90 day break between each session. This is because we need the skin to be completley healed before inducing more controlled trauma.
Large, textured stretcmarks, medical scars, self injury scars and burns will take more sessions than smaller stretchmarks and minor scarring. A likely treatment plan can only be made after your first treatment and your Practioner has had a chance to asses your healing after the 90 day healing period. In some cases, we will be able to give you an idea of what you may expect from photos and videos you send over prior to consultation. Stretch marks & scars that are totally flat and smooth normally only require 1-2 treatments. The more textured the skin, the more treatment will be needed.
In our experience, everyones pain threshold is different. Most clients tell us they would give the pain a 3 /4 out of 10 . You will feel a sharp scratching sensation and it is sensible to go into your treatment journey expecting a small amount of discomfort throughout some of the procedure.
There are a few factors to consider: The deeper the scar/stretchmark the more pressure we will have to apply, which will naturally be slightly more uncomfortable. Certain areas of the body are more sensitive than other aeas. In cases where we are focusing less on breaking down scar tissue and more on producing melanin to reach the surface, we wont need to apply as much pressure, resulting in a fairly pain free procedure.
We recommend taking pain killers before your appointment, if you are having more than 6 areas done at once and are particularly sensitive, it is smart to consider breaking this down into 2 appointments. This treatment is a largely non invasive procedure, so it is very managable.
Straight after the procedure, the treated areas will look raised, most likely red, and sore. This is completley normal, afterall, we have inflicted controlled trauma for a reason! This is a sign that your skin has reacted as we have intended, and the injury & response process has started. The swelling and redness should subside within 2/3 days.
It is advisable to turn up to your appointment in loose fitting clothing to minimise rubbing, and to not cause too much discomfort. We can apply second skin film protection for areas that need protecting for the journey home.
The area will feel quite hot, and may feel slightly bruised/stingy. Depending on the size of area treated this is usually very managble and requires little to no downtime. For long treatments please ensure you have eaten a substantial meal and have hydrated properly - this will aid your pain tollerance and keep your adrenaline under control.
Before your procedure, it is important that your skin is prepped. Please ensure your skin is clean, smooth and in a healthy conditon to be worked on. We recommend a thorough exfoliation on the areas you wish to be treated. It is much more dificult to work on dry, flaky skin. A good routine with body lotion should keep this under control. Please do not wear any lotions, oils or moisterisers on the day of treatment as this can affect the way products are absorbed and sit in the skin.
Please avoid alcohol 48 hours before treatment. Please do not consume any caffeinated drinks for 24 hours before treatment. This causes unnesasary bleeding which leads to product and ink being pushed out of the skin immediatley.
Whilst Microneedling uses a similar method, science and technique to encourage cell renewal - it is not nearly as precise, targeted or effective. This is becuase we are extremley fine needles that allowe us to work more aggresivley directly on the damaged or stretched skin. We are not causing damage to any of the healthy skin that surrounds the scars and stretchmarks. Using the Tattoo pen, we create micropunctures into the skin, allowing for product penetration and an extremley targeted response.
Not only is this procedure MUCH MORE effective than any other treatment on the market, it also is much more friendly on your pockets in comparison to Laser & Peel treatments. Many of our clients have come to us because they found their expensive and painful laser treatments were not giving them the results they desired.
Scars & Stretch Marks must be a minimum of 1.5/2 years old before being treated. In some cases you may need to wait longer depending on the severity of the damaged skin. We need to wait for th scars to have turned lighter in colour, flat and shiny - this is a good indicator that your body is done with its healing process from the initial damage it had incurred previous to treatments. Damaged skin that is still Red/Dark Brown/Purple is an indicator that healing is not complete - in cases where the skin refuses to turn lighter, even after a few years - we can treat the area with a lightening serum.
During your consultation, your Practioner will discuss your medical history with you. If you have a history of Keloid scarring - this treatment will come with risks. It is possible to have this treatment, even if you have a history of Keloid scarring - however we will need to be extra light with our needling, which may require you to have a few extra sessions.
Hyperpigmentation is also another risk - If you have a history of Hyperpigmentation, or have noticed your scars from minor injuries over the years have turned dark and failed to disappear, then this would indicate you are prone to Hyperpigmentation. We would also need to be cautious whilst treating your skin.
Where there is a higher level of risk, It is recommended to have a Skin Test Appointment. This is where our practioner will work on a very small "test" area that we can assess for 60/90 days before deciding on wether to continue with a treatment plan.
The healing process can be the scary part - however, this is why we say TRUST THE PROCESS. Remember, this procedure requires us to perform a controlled injury on you to get the results we need. It is wise to expect a level of trauma to appear as we encourage the skin to re-heal.
In the begining, after treatment, the area(s) will be raised, red, swollen and angry looking. This will subside after 2/3 days.
Following on from this stage, the skin will try to dry out and scab - we want to avoid this, so please ensure you are folllowing your aftercare instructions and are applying your MicroBalm atleast 3 times a day, or anytime the area feels dry. As the skin starts to go through this stage, you will notice the area darken (dark brown or red/purple depending on your natural skin tone). This will make your scars/stretchmarks appear more prominent at first. This is because their has been an influx of mellanin that has rushed to the skins surface, this will simmer down as the healing process continues, leaving you with skin that is starting to adapt and adhere to its normal colouring and texture.
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